Diet is a vital component to keeping your pet fit and healthy at all stages of its life. Since the dietary requirements of our pets change with age, the trained staff at Basic Pet Care offers nutritional counseling as part of your pet’s yearly exam in order to assist you in staying up to date with the appropriate diet plan for your pet’s needs. We also stock a range of special prescription formula diets designed to treat specific diseases, available only from veterinarians. Some diets include:
- Dental Diets
- Diabetes management
- Joint formula diets
- Kidney disease diets
- Liver disease diets
- Neoplasia diet
- Urinary Tract disease formulas.
If your pets have a history of any of these problems, discuss their dietary needs with the staff at Lindenhurst Veterinary Hospital.
Weight Management
Studies have confirmed that lean dogs & cats live longer, healthier lives than overweight ones. A 20% reduction in calories consumed can add 2 years to the life of your dog! Obesity is associated with such diseases as arthritis and diabetes, plus “blocked bladder” and inability to defecate in cats. As part of your yearly visit, we weigh your pet, assess its “Body Condition Score”, and discuss any need for a diet. With the Purina OM weight management program, we even provide a computer print-out of your pets recommended calorie intake, and how much food that translates to.
Vitamins & Supplements
There are many vitamins & supplements that we frequently recommend for dogs and cats at different stages of their lives or for different medical reasons. The doctor & staff will be happy to talk to you about any supplements that may be appropriate for your pet.