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Independently Owned

Spay/Neuter Surgery

Practice policy regarding the neutering of pets is as follows:


Both male and females are routinely neutered at six months of age.

Intact males may spray urine and become territorial, seeking out other cats to fight. This results in abscesses and possibly disease such as leukemia and immunodeficiency virus.

Intact females can get pregnant prematurely, and if not spayed, they may attract males. If they don’t go through pregnancy, they are prone to pyometra, a uterine infection, and mammary tumors.


Both males and females are routinely neutered between five and seven months of age, females usually before their first “heat” or estrus.

Intact males may exhibit unwelcome behavior such as vagrancy, hyper sexuality, and aggression. Castration will prevent this behavior and help control prostrate problems later in life.

Intact females are prone to false pregnancies, mammary cancers and pyometra, a uterine infection which is common and may be fatal. Treatment is often hysterectomy, which is not always safe for dogs that are old and sick.

For these reasons, we strongly recommend any pet not intended for breeding should be spayed or neutered at the appropriate time.

The Neutering or Spaying of dogs and cats is a surgery carried out under full general anesthesia. Any surgical procedure can be associated with a small degree of risk, so there are a number of steps that we take to ensure a safe and routine outcome. Please refer to the Surgery page under the Services menu for detailed information about preparation for the procedure.